Isozyme AnaJysis Supports Allotetraploid Inheritance in Tetraploid Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.)


  • B. E. Branham

Inhprit~n~ dala frorn Ie Ira ploid Agroslis paluslris H ud~. pO[lU la­ ,i(J"~ prud uced b~' crossing selected plan ts from Cll Itivated creeping I: ",'tgrass v"ridies is repo Med. Ph oS[lh oglucose isomerase, p hosp ho­ glucomutas"" glu!;',",,"" o'aloatelate transaminase, trio.:;phosphate isom~ra~e, anodal pero,irlase, esterll.~e, and alcohol dehydrogenase werC resol ved in a Tris-ei trale/lil hi um-ho ra1e p l-I 8.3 buffer system. '~eid ph ..."plmtase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, acomtasc, matate deh)'drogenase (1\1 OH), and shikimic al"id dehydrogenase Were resol vcd ina h istidi nc·cit rate pH 5.7 butTer sys1em. four I' n~yrne syslems exh ibiting polymorph ism in I he Tris-ciC raleflithium-borate buffer system were selel"led for further genetics studies. Segregation d9ta at lhe Tpl-I, TI'i-2, COI-2. Pgi-2, and Pgm-2 toci were used to ident iry aJlo~yrnes and disli"gu ish bel weeo ,,110· or aUlotetra[lloid segregajjon paHerfls. Two allozymes were identified al the PXm-2 and {pi-] lod, white three allo'lymes were ide"Ciried at the Got-2 and Tpi-2 lod. The Pgl-2 1"l"uS was highly polymorphic with sh different allorymes idenliried. Fixed heterozygosi1y at the Tpi-2 and Cot·] Joci "nd disomic segregation for a telra-allelic indi"idual at lhc Pgi-2 locus [lwvided ~lrong genetic e"idence to ~lJpporl allotetraploid inherilance in creeping bcnlgra~s. Additionally, one parenlHI clone lhal exhiloited high len'l, ofwlf·rerlilitJ' was identified ""d ils hrecding imp li0l1 ion~ are diseus~ed. T HE DENTGRASSl\. are native to Western Europe (Harlan, 1992) With the genus Agroslis consisting of approximately 200 species (Hitchcock, 1951). The four species commonly accepted as turfgrass types are Af!,rosli~ pa/ustm-creeping bentgrass (2/1 4x = 28), Agroslis canina L-velvet bentgrass (2n 2x = 14). Agroslis lenuis Sibth.---colonial bentgrass (2n = 4x = 'l-S), and Agroslil alba L-redtop bentgrass (2n 6x = 42)_ Because of its excellent tolerance of low mowing heights and a strong stoloniferous growth habit creeping bentgrass h well sui ted for the establishmenl of golf greens and fairways. and is thus the most widely utilized of I he turf-type ben tgrasses. Limited genetic research h8S been conducted on the genus Agmslis. Jone~ (1955) eX(lm ined chromosome pairinl.': in letraploid A. lenuis and A. siolonijera L. and concluded that both A. IC/Juis and A. slO{omfcra form bivalents (II ml'iosi". Agroslis tenuis behaved as a seg­ menta I allotet raploid and A. siolunijera as a strict allote­ traploid with well-differentiated genomes. Hitchcock (1951) classified A. siolomfera and A. pal­ dSlris as two separate species 'Jased on more prolific slolon produclion hy A. paIl/Sins. 1towever. European samples of A. stolunijem, entered into the NDtionDI ger­ mplasm syslem. can be crossed with U.S. creeping. bentS.E. Warnke. NFSPRC, 3450 S,W. Campus Way, Corvililis, OR 9733 I: D,S_ Douches. Dep_ of Crop <lnd Soil Science. Michigiln Slate Uni,,_. East Lilnsing, MJ 4SS2J: I3,E, Branham, Dcp, of Natural Resources and En vi ronmen l31 SClen<:e" 1102 S, GoodwlO Dr _, U rb3n a. JL 61 ~O 1_ Received 16 Dec 1')95, *Corresponding auth,x (warnkcs@ues.

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تاریخ انتشار 2008